Yearbook Contest Winners Gallery

2021 Yearbook Contest Winners Gallery - HIGH SCHOOL

Overall Yearbook

Overall yearbook is judged based on the use of written and graphic elements carried throughout the entirety of the yearbook.

Grand Prize:

2nd Place:

3rd Place:

4th Place:

5th Place:

Christian Academy of Guatemala 2021 Yearbook

Entry Preview

Entry Description: Our school neighbors a mountain range that has an active volcano. These inspired the triangle shapes that you see on the covers and throughout the book. The overall goal for the theme/design was to make it as simple and minimalistic as possible. This allows the stories and the photos within it to shine.

NYOS Charter 2021 Yearbook

Entry Preview

Entry Description: Our yearbook design was inspired by the real-life adaptions students had to make. The transition from in-person to online learning was massive and we thought this should be represented throughout our book. Our pages feature artwork to give the impression of a browser with elements working together to reflect this very different year. We also worked to maintain a familiar format to give students a nostalgic feel while differentiating this year from other years.

New Brunswick High School 2021 Yearbook

Entry Preview

Entry Description: As almost every school this year knows, building a yearbook during a pandemic, when almost every student and teacher is remote and apart, is a big challenge. With this limitation, we looked to what was still going strong for where to focus: our sports, our students’ jobs, new cars, interests. This time has been so new and strange, we took the opportunity to be an anchor, something familiar for all during this year.

Sunnyside High School 2021 Yearbook

Entry Preview

Entry Description: The Insparation for this years theme was to show the challenges we have faced and how we have all been living in a moment of history with the ongoing pandemic. We wanted to make a book to remember with learning from home to not being able to see your fi

Messmer High School 2021 Yearbook

Entry Preview

Entry Description: Our yearbook annually reflects the scriptural theme selected for the year. This year we were completely virtual and this book highlighted the few times that we were able to gather and commemorate our calendar.

Cover Design

Yearbook cover designs are judged based on overall design quality, relevance to school and current year, as well as the use of graphic and textual design elements.

1st Place:

2nd Place:

3rd Place:

Oakley Jr-sr High School 2021 Yearbook

Entry Preview

Entry Description: We came up with the "Sketch Your Dream" theme based on ideas we liked and our school's motto for the year. From there we came up with several different cover design ideas, but like the idea of making it look like a sketch book the best.

Veritas Classical School- Alpharetta 2021 Yearbook

Entry Preview

Entry Description: The 2020s came in with a worldwide pandemic, and it made our editors think of how opposite this was from the original 1920s. This time is OUR roaring 20s.

Oakwood School Yearbook

Entry Preview

Entry Description: I particularly proud of our cover design. It is student artwork. Will fill out later - NL

Page Layout Design

Page layout design is judged based on the overall layout design, the use of innovative techniques, and the use of captions, headlines, and graphic elements.

1st Place:

2nd Place:

3rd Place:

Sunnyside High School 2021 Yearbook

 Entry Preview

Entry Description: The Inspiration for this design was to create something that would incorporate both pages with our color pallet and doodles

Messmer High School 2021 Yearbook

 Entry Preview

Entry Description: As an inner city urban school, the Black Lives Movement was important to our community. This page interleaves a peaceful protest staged in front of our school and the building itself.

NYOS Charter 2021 Yearbook

 Entry Preview

Entry Description: We wanted to cover voting, especially because many people at the school had not ever voted before, but there was a lack of pictures.


Photographs will be judged based on creativity and composition.

1st Place:

2nd Place:

3rd Place:

North Tampa Christian Academy 2021 Yearbook

Entry Preview

Entry Description: We had an assignment for Fozen speed. Water and apple and a cutlass would work if we could just pull it off.

New Brunswick High School 2021 Yearbook

Entry Preview

Entry Description: Part of what makes the spring track and field sport so exciting is the variety of different events all taking place around the field. In working to capture these events, we managed to record one of our pole vaulter’s entire journey up and over the vault. These images were presented together in the completed book. This image is the third shot, his final crossing of the vault just before the descent.

Lakeland Senior High School 2021 Yearbook

Entry Preview

Entry Description: When I see a photo in the yearbook I want it to represent the page I am looking at, and I think this photo does just that. When I took this photo I wanted to capture the emotion, the energy, and the look of a swimmer. But not just the emotion of the swimmer, the water too. Which is exactly what my photo did.

Honorable Mentions

Yearbook Theme:

Cover Design:

Veterans Memorial High School 2021 Yearbook
CrossPointe Christian Academy 2021 Yearbook
Mountain View High School Yearbook
Oakwood School Yearbook
Desert View High School 2021 Yearbook
Meadowdale High School Yearbook Yearbook
Lyme-Old Lyme High School 2021 Yearbook
Initial Point High School 2021 Yearbook
Christian Academy of Guatemala 2021 Yearbook
303 - 2021 Brooklyn Collegiate cr
Bliss Jr/Sr High 2021 Yearbook

Page Design:


Veterans Memorial High School 2021 Yearbook
Emil G. Hirsch Metro H.S. 2021 Yearbook
New Brunswick High School 2021 Yearbook
Glen Cove High School 2021 Yearbook
Desert View High School 2021 Yearbook
Treasure Valley Leadership Academy Yearbook Yearbook
NYOS Charter 2021 Yearbook
Conestoga Christian School 2021 Yearbook
Desert View High School 2021 Yearbook
Sunnyside High School 2021 Yearbook